Monday, January 15, 2018

First day video

The video that we watched on Thursday was about a futuristic world where people could preserve their brains so they could live forever.  In the episode there had been a security hack and the brains were no longer functioning correctly. The show starts out with a commercial advertising the process of preserving the brain, and it comes off as any commercial people see on TV. This was a thought provoking short show because it could really happen. I do not know what my opinion on the topic is, I see the pros and cons of it and how it could effect people. It was interesting that someone thought of this show because with the way technology is moving it could very well be possible within the next 10-20 years! Also, the fact that is was set up like an everyday commercial was cool because it seemed to be the new "normal."

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Field House VR Tour

Suz and I worked on this practice VR tour together. We went to the field house and took 360 pictures of areas we were familiar with.