Monday, October 23, 2017

Nosedive- Black Mirror

This episode of Black Mirror was freaky because it could potentially happen. In today's society everyone is fighting to "out do" everyone when it comes to social media. In this episode people's social "status" was all about points, and the people got points by posting cool places they've been, or what they had for breakfast. The main woman started to obsess over the amount of "points" she had, and she ended up losing them all and going to jail. The ironic thing was, when she went to jail her and another man ended up just speaking their minds back and fourth and they felt more free than they did in society. This is true in real life today! People can come off as being fake on social media just to get the popular "likes." Being on social media you really just post for others not yourself. Of course, social media is not all negative. It is such a positive and great thing how it can connect people from all over the world and bring people together. This episode just really showed the extreme of what social media can do.

Brand Yourself

I created a Brand Yourself Profile and I am going to be adding it to my social media sites. Today in class I will share my LinkedIn profile, because I feel that it is the strongest one.  I really enjoyed playing around on Brand Yourself because it showed me different ways to increase my "score." At first I thought it was going to be huge adjustments, but it had tips as simple as adding your location. I think when I graduate I might make an account on Brand Yourself, to make sure that when people search my name on Google I am coming up frequently.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Recreating pictures

We were asked to randomly select two pictures to recreate. The first picture I chose was from a series called Touching Strangers, by Richard Renaldi.

This was the original picture.

This is the first picture from the series that I recreated. This one is resembling the picture on the left, of the two men touching. I made this one a boy and a girl and the boy is whispering something in her ear. I liked the lines in the original, so I made sure to catch the shadow of the lines on the bench to keep that element the same in both versions.

This is the second picture from Touching Strangers that I recreated. These are two strangers that I asked to intimately embrace. I made sure to capture the picture with a background that would contrast nicely with their skin colors and clothing they are wearing.

I was happy that I selected this series because it shows the intimacy of human touch. I decided to choose students from around campus because it shows that no matter what color your skin is, what sport you play, or what your gender is, we are all in the same place trying to achieve the same overall goal, and we all have the same human touch.

The second picture that I choose was called Trails End Restaurant from the series Uncommon Places, by Stephen Shore.

This was the original picture. 

This was the picture that I recreated. I wanted to keep the rectangular place mat, the fork and knife, and the wooden table. However, I changed the angle that the picture was taken. I stood directly over the plate as opposed the a side angle, and just focused on the place setting in front of me.

Field House VR Tour

Suz and I worked on this practice VR tour together. We went to the field house and took 360 pictures of areas we were familiar with.