Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Rick Rolling

When Dr. Nichols told us to "Rick Roll" someone, I had no idea what he was talking about. It ends up that "rick rolling" was a little online joke people would play on each other. You would send someone an email pertaining to something that had to do with work or social events or something, and then when the person clicked the link it was Rick Astley singing his famous Never Gonna Give You Up. I decided to play the prank on my dad. I sent him an email saying that Limestone College seniors had to fill out some random form for something, and that it would only take a couple minutes if he just clicked on the following link I received an email back probably twenty minutes later from my dad saying "seriously you sent me a Rick Astley link? I remember when that song was popular..." I then explained to him how we learned in class about the on going joke, and he thought it was really funny and said he might even try it on one of his partners this week!

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Field House VR Tour

Suz and I worked on this practice VR tour together. We went to the field house and took 360 pictures of areas we were familiar with.