Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Tips of the trade: Sav's pictures

This is my first picture out of the six we had to take. This is showing people in their natural habitat (the quad on Limestone College's campus). I took a few and this was my favorite one of the group because it shows what the average day looks like at Limestone.

This picture shows the rule of thirds that photographer Wright explained. The picture is split into thirds and the MBA sign is in the middle third.

This picture took into consideration the sunlight because you can see a trees shadow in the lower left corner of the photo. It could also represent rule of thirds.

I took this picture because it reminded me of the actual rule of thirds grid. I thought it was funny because I walk past this everyday and never thought about it, but after listening to Mr. Wright I realized it resembles the grid.

I took this picture from a lower angle. I was on my knees in the grass while taking this picture. After taking a few from different angles this was my favorite because we never really think about how things look from a lower angle.

This picture was what Mr. Wright called a "tight shot", it has limited white space and is close up. I think this is my favorite picture out of all the ones that I took because you really are focused on those red flowers. After looking at it for awhile I also noticed it does show the rule of thirds, the red flowers being in the bottom of the grid.

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Field House VR Tour

Suz and I worked on this practice VR tour together. We went to the field house and took 360 pictures of areas we were familiar with.